Cunningham-Woodland Inc., has been serving the New England Medical Community for over 40 years! In that time frame our goal has, and continues to be, to provide high quality products and services from the Operating Room to the Sterile Processing Department and everywhere in between. Our trusted reputation along with our ability to source products to fit our customer’s needs, allows us to be nimble in an ever changing Healthcare landscape.
Additionally CWI has an extensive repair and maintenance division. We operate numerous mobile repair labs, on-site facilities and a repair service center. This enables us to perform extensive or time-consuming repairs and also provides service to smaller facilities which do not require on-site service.
CWI focuses its attention on the relationships with the operating room and sterile processing personnel, heads of specialties and key surgeons.CWI prides itself on Customer Service and over the past 40 years have enjoyed the personal interaction we have on a daily basis with every single customer.

Cunningham Woodland Inc.
350B Kidds Hill Rd.
Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: 508-790-1600
Fax: 508-790-1606